Pollution Control Association of the Philippines Inc. Region 4A (PCAPI Calabarzon) is now nationally recognized as the best PCAPI chapter after being inducted as an Outstanding PCAPI Chapter Hall of Fame Awardee in the recently held 38th PCAPI National Convention on May 9-11, 2018 at L’Fisher Hotel, Bacolod City.
PCAPI Calabarzon was the first PCAPI Chapter to have grabbed this highly coveted award in recognition of their four years of being the Outstanding PCAPI Chapter due to their outstanding achievements in the implementation of an effective environmental management system and in recognition of the excellent demonstration in consistently promoting environmental advocacy.
The team first won the Outstanding Award in 2013 under its then president, Engr. Florante Panganiban. This was awarded during the 33rd PCAPI National Annual Convention held at General Santos City. Through the collaborative efforts of the organization’s Board of Trustees, officers and its staff, not to mention the unending support from its members in all its activities, events, and advocacies, PCAPI Calabarzon was able to further maintain this milestone for the next five years. On April 13, 2016 the second recognition as Outstanding Chapter was given on the occasion of 36th PCAPI National Annual Convention under the leadership of Engr. Henry Malibiran, PCAPI R4A President 2015-2016. The third and fourth recognition was again seized the following two years, 2017 and 2018, making the PCAPI 4A the first Hall of Fame Awardee. This is through the initiatives and direction of Ms. Rasmiah Malixi, PCAPI Calabarzon’s incumbent president.
Ms. Rasmiah Malixi, together with the chapter’s Board of Trustees, Officers, and Staff, received the plaque of award from PCAPI Awards Committee composed of Environmental Management Bureau (EMB), Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA) and 2017 Mother nature awardee ATLANTIC COATINGS, INC., headed by Mr.Joerey B. Yson, Convention Chairman; Fernando R. Ramos, Chairperson of Committee in Awards; and Mr. Jeremiah Dwight C. Sebastian, PCAPI President.
Aside from the said award, the convention, in line with its theme Leading a Positive Environmental Footprint for the Future, also presented the following awards and winners: The Outstanding Pollution Control Officer (TOPCO) Mr. Joseph L. Vizcayno of San Miguel Yamamura Packaging Corporation; Success Story Award winner SMC – Yamamura Fuso Molds Corp. represented by Mr. Rainer Torres and Mr. Arman Simbahan; and Oceana Gold Philippines, Inc. (OGPI), the two-time winner of the Mother Nature Award.
The convention highlighted with cluster meeting of different industries headed by PCAPI National Board of Trustees and Advisers.