Hello there!
To be able to connect more with you and help you in your PCO journey, all while keeping safe, we have set-up an MS Teams group dedicated to our members only. Through this channel, we hope that you could benefit from the following:
- E-library – comprehensive collection of policies, laws
- News and Updates – get updated on the most recent information relevant to our practice
- E-tools – a quick toolkit of the most important and useful references, guidebooks and templates
- #PCOhacks – quick and useful tips from co-PCOs on navigating the work and practice of a PCO
- 24/7 Forum – on MS Teams, we can share experiences and expertise, and since it’s online, access is on demand.
- Helpline – this is the best avenue for us to seek help and give help to our co-PCOs. Because “PCOs helping PCOs” never stops!
We continue to improve our services and ways to add value to you! Looking forward to seeing you with the Team soon!
Always in the service of our co-PCOs,
Your PCAPI 4A Family
You can follow the following steps for online registration.
Individual Membership – training discount applied to individual member’s registration fees
Institutional Membership – training discount applied to registration fees of one or more training attendee from the same company